
Eventbrite alternatives for nonprofits
Eventbrite alternatives for nonprofits

Here are some of the main benefits that TicketBud offers users: Similarly to EventBrite, TicketBud’s platform is centered specifically on allowing for event ticket sales for both major professional events and more casual, personal options like class reunions or art classes, for example. But what other options are out there? What other event management platforms offer alternatives that provide the same convenience and functionality of EventBrite, while giving users more customization options, better pricing structures, or even features that EventBrite doesn’t offer itself? Let’s dive into five of the top EventBrite alternatives for you to consider for your future event planning needs. While EventBrite’s user base and valuation certainly prove its worth, event professionals are often frustrated by some of the limited user options, inability to forefront their own branding, or cost structures. But that doesn’t mean some folks aren’t still interested in affordable or customizable EventBrite alternatives these days.

eventbrite alternatives for nonprofits

Powered by the network effect of promotion to every event attendee who buys a ticket to attend an EventBrite-hosted event, the platform has risen to unicorn status, and continues to be one of the leading choices for event profs who need to digitally organize and sell tickets to their event.

eventbrite alternatives for nonprofits

Looking for more customizable or affordable EventBrite alternatives? Here are some great options!ĮventBrite has developed a premium brand position among event planners and attendees alike over the past few years.

Eventbrite alternatives for nonprofits